St Gabriel’s RC High School is a Roman Catholic voluntary academy in St Teresa of Calcutta Roman Catholic Academy Trust.  The Academy Trust is the admissions authority, and the Local Governing Board is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions.  For the school year commencing September 2024 the Trust has set its planned admissions number at 210.


The Trust recognises that the first responsibility of the school is to serve the Roman Catholic community for which it has been established.  This is focused on designated parish communities and the Roman Catholic primary schools that are partners in providing for those communities.  In establishing their oversubscription criteria, the Governors have also taken full account of the Code of Practice produced by the Department for Education and the emphasis placed on supporting children in public care.

The contributory parish communities served

by the school are:      

The associated primary schools are:


·         Guardian Angels ·         Guardian Angels
·         St. Marie’s ·         St. Marie’s


·         St. Hilda’s ·         Hollymount


·         St. Joseph’s (Bury) ·         Our Lady of Lourdes


·         St. Joseph’s (Ramsbottom ·         St. Joseph’s


·         St Joseph & St Bede’s

Children with an Education Health and Care Plan, that name the school, will be given a place.

Admission to the school will be made by the Local Governing Board in accordance with the stated parental preferences it receives and subject to the following set of criteria which will be used to form a priority order if there are more applications for admission than the school has places available.
A Roman Catholic children who are in public care (IAPLAC) and previously looked after children and those children adopted from state care outside of England. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted [1] (or became subject to a residence order [2] or special guardianship order).


B Roman Catholic children living in a contributory parish and who have completed the Diocesan Sacramental programme.
C Roman Catholic children attending an Associated Roman Catholic primary school and who have completed the Diocesan Sacramental programme who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of transfer.
D Other Roman Catholic children attending an Associated Roman Catholic primary school and who have completed the Diocesan Sacramental programme.
E Other Roman Catholic children who have completed the Diocesan Sacramental programme and have a brother or sister at the school at the time of transfer.
F Other Roman Catholic children in Maintained Roman Catholic primary schools and who have completed the Diocesan Sacramental programme.
G Roman Catholic children in other Maintained primary schools and who have completed the Diocesan Sacramental programme.
H Other children in public care (IAPLAC) and previously looked after children and those children adopted from state care outside of England. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted [1] (or became subject to a residence order [2] or special guardianship order).
I Other children.


[1]     Under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002.  See Section 46 (adoption orders)

[2]       Under the terms of the Children’s Act 1989.  See Section 8 which defines a “residence order” as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live.


  1. All applicants will be considered at the same time, after the closing date for admission on 31 October 2023.
  2. The Governors will require evidence in support of a claim that the child is a Baptised Roman Catholic and has completed the Diocesan Sacramental programme or equivalent.
  3. The Local Governing Body reserve the right to admit children with proven and exceptional medical or social needs where admission to the school might best help satisfy those exceptional needs: e.g. if the school is adapted to accommodate physically handicapped pupils and such a pupil seeks admission.  Parents are asked to explain why St. Gabriel’s is more suitable than any other school and what difficulties would be caused if the child had to attend a different school.
  4. Siblings. A brother or sister will be defined as a sibling who resides in the same residence as a pupil who occupies a place in the school, if the sibling will still be in attendance at the date of admission of the applicant.
  5. Parish Boundaries. Parents should check carefully whether they are resident within the parish boundary of one of the designated parishes.  Maps illustrating these boundaries are available in the information provided by the primary schools and at this school.
  6. Shared Parenting. Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of the week, the home address will be decided by using the address on the Child Benefit payment book.
  7. Waiting List. St. Gabriel’s operates a waiting list for one term in the academic year of admission, in accordance with published criteria.
  8. Multiple Births. If there is a situation where only one place is available and the next children to be offered are twins or triplets, both twins or the three triplets will be offered places.
  9. Tie Breaks. If there is a tie break decision, then the tie break will be decided by using a straight line distance measurement from home to school.  The distance will be measured using the Local Authority’s computerised mapping system, which measures from the address point of the home property to the address point of the school as defined by Bury Council’s LLPG (Local Land and Property Gazetteer).
  10. Late applications. Late applications can only be considered in accordance with the policy.  Further offers cannot be made if the school is oversubscribed.
  11. Appeals. In an application for admission has been turned down by the Local Governing Board, parents can appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel.  This appeal must be sent in writing to the Clerk to the Governors at the school within 14 days of refusal.  The parents must give reasons for appealing in writing and the decision of the Appeals Panel is binding on the Governors.
  12. All admissions will be dealt with by the Local Authority on behalf of the Local Governing Board. Bury Local Authority Admissions Department email or telephone number 0161 253 6474
A Supplementary Information Form should be completed in support of your application to St Gabriel’s RC High School together with the following evidence:

·         A copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate

·         Evidence of completion of the Diocesan Sacramental Programme

·         Proof of address within a designated parish boundary in the form of a Council Tax bill (for pupils living within a contributory parish only).

Please ensure the Supplementary Information Form and supporting information is returned directly to St Gabriel’s RC High School by 31 October 2023



In Year Admissions

Applications for Year 7 – 11 during the school year (ie, those not part of the Year 6 to Year 7 transfer arrangements) should, in the first instance, contact the school to determine whether any places are available in the required year group.

You will then be directed to contact the Bury Local Authority Admissions Team; they can be contacted at:


Name:                  School Admissions Team

Address:              Children’s Services, 3 Knowsley Place, Duke Street, Bury, BL9 0EJ

Telephone:         0161 253 6474


Reviewed: July 2023
Next Review: July 2024

Admissions 2024

Catholic Education

Supplementary Information Form

Transition Day Letter 2023