
Pupil Premium is designed to support pupils to achieve the best possible outcomes. The funding is delegated to schools and a summary of how the grant is spent is shown in the links on this page.

Our Statement of Intent

Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background, prior attainment or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across the curriculum, while living our school mission.


At St Gabriel’s, we are an inclusive Catholic family who embrace diverse identities, faiths and beliefs. We strive to use our God-given talents to serve others and to succeed. The Lord is our strength, which inspires us to make positive contributions to our school community and be valued members of our global society.

Expectations and values

Students demonstrate the strength to self-regulate their decision and actions, including having the strength to attend prepared and on time every lesson, every day.

Students act to serve others, treating all staff and peers with respect.

Students strive for success by always putting their learning first

We will consider the challenges faced by vulnerable pupils, such as those who have a social worker and young carers. The activity we have outlined in this statement is also intended to support their needs, regardless of whether they are disadvantaged or not.

Our approach is based on research, which shows that high quality teaching has the biggest impact on attainment of pupils, alongside some targeted academic intervention and pastoral support. We use diagnostic assessment to identify need and offer additional tuition through school and through the national tutoring programme.

Our key principals are;

  • Teaching and Learning is inclusive and adaptive to mitigate any disadvantage
  • Targeted academic intervention is offered to mitigate disadvantage
  • Pastoral support is offered to mitigate disadvantage So that all of our pupils can fulfil our school mission.

We believe if you have the strength to serve, you can succeed

Please follow the links below:

PP Plan 2023 to 2026

PP Plan 2021/2022 to 2023/24